Alderman Brian Hopkins is putting 2nd Ward priorities first.

Lower Our Property Taxes
Just as he promised, Alderman Brian Hopkins voted “NO” on citywide property tax increases in his first term, despite heavy pressure from City Hall. He believes the City Council needs to be more creative and be willing to pursue additional revenue options to help shore up our city’s finances. Alderman Hopkins will continue to be a leader in cutting duplicate spending and streamlining the city’s use of taxpayer dollars to maximize their impact.
Reduce Crime Rates
Since taking office in 2015, Alderman Hopkins has secured new police officers to patrol our neighborhoods and reduce crime. Alderman Hopkins supports providing Chicago police with training that teaches them how to best work with our city’s diverse population regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, or socioeconomic status. Alderman Hopkins believes trust between residents and law enforcement is crucial so that no one hesitates to call the police.
Alderman Brian Hopkins understands that for our community to prosper, we must be safe, and he is committed to continuing fighting tirelessly for creative, effective solutions that will reduce crime.

Prioritize Our Children’s Futures
As the proud parent of his 6-year-old son Ryan, Alderman Hopkins is proud that the 2nd Ward is home to some of the best schools in our city. However, our state’s school funding formula is broken, which means that 2nd Ward children who attend schools outside the Ward are not provided with all of the resources they need to succeed.
That’s why in his second term, Alderman Hopkins will work with State officials who represent our neighborhoods to advocate for adequate resources for all CPS schools so that we can ensure that the next generation is our best and brightest yet. Simply put, we must explore additional revenue streams to improve funding for our city’s schools. As the proud father of Ryan, Alderman Hopkins knows that our children’s futures depend on expanding access to a proper education.

Protect Our Environment
Without a clean environment, we won’t have the quality of life we deserve here in the 2nd Ward. That is why Alderman Hopkins is committed to standing up to companies whose pollution and harmful environmental standards threaten the quality of life of 2nd Ward residents. We deserve a clean environment, and Alderman Brian Hopkins will continue to stand up to those who threaten the air we breathe.
Additionally, green space and parks play a key role in our quality of life. That is why Alderman Hopkins has worked to revamp several existing 2nd Ward parks like Lake Shore Park and Washington Square Park and has added new greenery across the Ward. Alderman Hopkins will continue to secure funds to make sure that 2nd Ward parks are safe, beautiful, and pleasant for all residents.

Develop Our Community Together
We are a growing community home to a diverse population. We will continue to grow and Alderman Brian Hopkins knows that growth doesn’t simply mean “more.” It means working with community members to ensure development projects continue to support our growing economy and ensure a higher quality of life.
Alderman Hopkins will hold developers accountable and make sure that major development projects like the Lincoln Yards are subject to thorough vetting by constituents and respect the integrity of our neighborhoods’ culture and historic landmarks. Any development or zoning matter that is referred to Alderman Hopkins will not be heard or allowed through the city council or any of the governing bodies without first receiving approval from the neighborhood association or organization where a proposal would be located. If a project doesn’t fit with the flavor of the neighborhood, it will not be approved by Alderman Hopkins. Period.

Reduce Traffic on Our Roads
Congestion on our streets is a problem, and Alderman Hopkins knows it. That is why he will continue to advocate for investing in smart traffic systems in the 2nd Ward that reduce traffic congestion and make more eco-friendly transportation alternatives accessible. While the 2nd Ward contains major transit and transportation infrastructure, a lack of investment has allowed demand to overwhelm its capacity.
We need workable solutions, like improved mass transit, to relieve traffic and congestion on our roads. With some of the worst gridlock in the nation, Chicagoans deserve a 21st-century solution to its traffic congestion issues.

Responsive Constituent Services
2nd Ward residents have a first-hand understanding of the impact of crumbling infrastructure on their day-to-day lives. Alderman Hopkins implemented an open menu structure process for the 2nd Ward office so that the issues that 2nd Ward residents call about most - like street resurfacing, sidewalk repairs, and other infrastructure improvement needs - are always prioritized.
Alderman Hopkins and his staff have worked to overcome geographic and transportation issues to get to the Ward Office by being out in the community at events and condo meetings, ready to take your city service requests and help with neighborhood issues. In his third term, Alderman Hopkins will continue to utilize satellite service offices and will offer extended hours in the constituent service office for working professionals’ convenience, including Ward Nights and weekend hours.